My work has been evolving recently to include more layers, more color and more depth. I've been continuing the push to step away from the usual process, which was: draw a shape and fill in the shape. Instead, I’ve been creating organic forms, activating the negative spaces, layering and mixing paints all while continuing to think as if the forms were communicating with each other. For a long time I was compelled to create very crisp and clean lines in my work. The "graphic designer" inside me who wants organization of elements was the prominent voice in those pieces and honestly the paintings were how I viewed the world through that 2D graphic lens. Whereas now, I'm opening myself up a bit in my composition and technique. Everything feels chaotic and my paintings are a way of exerting control in a chaotic world. This is represented by the push and pull between the graphic elements and the painterly elements in these latest works. As I have anxiety, I look to have a sense of control. Being creative in my work has allowed me to have that sense as pattern making and repetitiveness calms me down and is meditative to me.