Robert Melzmuf

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Born 1960
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY
I have recently participated in four Contemporary Art Festivals in Provence France. Recent shows in Brooklyn were at Sideshow, Calico, Giacobetti Paul, and Industrious Brooklyn. I have also shown work in New York at Barbara Greene, Gale Martin, and 55 Mercer galleries; and in Chicago, Philadelphia, New Haven, and Washington D.C.I'm in the collection of the Coupelouzos Museum in Athens Greece. My work is a painterly Colorfield Abstraction; painterly and gestural, but also light, spacious, and calm. This might seem to be counter intuitive but I see this in the paintings of Olitzky, Rothko, Dzubas and Diebenkorn; a similar feel for abstract compositions of space with a painterly sensibility.
I have recently participated in four Contemporary Art Festivals in Provence France. Recent shows in Brooklyn were at Sideshow, Calico, Giacobetti Paul, and Industrious Brooklyn. I have also shown work in New York at Barbara Greene, Gale Martin, and 55 Mercer galleries; and in Chicago, Philadelphia, New Haven, and Washington D.C. I'm in the collection of the Coupelouzos Museum in Athens Greece. My work is a painterly Colorfield Abstraction; painterly and gestural, but also light, spacious, and calm. This might seem to be counter intuitive but I see this in the paintings of Olitzky, Rothko, Dzubas and Diebenkorn; a similar feel for abstract compositions of space with a painterly sensibility.



Apparitions by Robert Melzmuf

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Forms appear and fade in a field of color

or $71 x 12 months
$850 or $71 x 12 months
10 x 14" •  oil on canvas
or $71 x 12 months
$850 or $71 x 12 months
10 x 14" •  oil on canvas
or $71 x 12 months
$850 or $71 x 12 months
10 x 14" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
11 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $79 x 12 months
$950 or $79 x 12 months
15 x 10" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
16 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $60 x 12 months
$722 or $60 x 12 months
9 x 12" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas

Gestural Abstraction

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Gestural Abstraction by Robert Melzmuf

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These paintings were made from 1998 to 2011 and have a more tactile brushing and scrapping of the surface

or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $77 x 12 months
$918 or $77 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on linen
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on linen
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
46 x 40" •  oil on linen
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
46 x 40" •  oil on linen
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
46 x 40" •  oil on linen
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
46 x 40" •  oil on linen
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on linen
or $425 x 12 months
$5,100 or $425 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
11 x 9" •  oil on linen



Sandshimmers by Robert Melzmuf

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Fields of indeterminable space with minimal colors

or $217 x 12 months
$2,600 or $217 x 12 months
24 x 30" •  oil on canvas
or $108 x 12 months
$1,300 or $108 x 12 months
18 x 18" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $67 x 12 months
$800 or $67 x 12 months
15 x 8" •  oil on canvas



Waves by Robert Melzmuf

Click/tap below to copy url

The Wave paintings are a painterly Colorfield abstraction; light, spacious, and calm. So, painterly, of the hand, but depicting a volume of space, which seems counter intuitive but I see this in Colorfield painters, particularly Olitzky, Rothko, Dzubas, and Diebenkorn

or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $375 x 12 months
$4,500 or $375 x 12 months
36 x 36" •  oil on canvas
or $350 x 12 months
$4,200 or $350 x 12 months
30 x 40" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
15 x 15" •  oil on canvas
or $217 x 12 months
$2,600 or $217 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $625 x 12 months
$7,500 or $625 x 12 months
60 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $233 x 12 months
$2,800 or $233 x 12 months
26 x 30" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
11 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $267 x 12 months
$3,200 or $267 x 12 months
26 x 32" •  oil on canvas
or $233 x 12 months
$2,800 or $233 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
Back Soon!
or $533 x 12 months
$6,400 or $533 x 12 months
48 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,001 or $250 x 12 months
30 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $55 x 12 months
$657 or $55 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $77 x 12 months
$919 or $77 x 12 months
12 x 14" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $117 x 12 months
$1,400 or $117 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  oil on canvas
or $600 x 12 months
$7,200 or $600 x 12 months
60 x 42" •  oil on canvas
or $625 x 12 months
$7,500 or $625 x 12 months
59 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $375 x 12 months
$4,500 or $375 x 12 months
36 x 38" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $217 x 12 months
$2,600 or $217 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $208 x 12 months
$2,500 or $208 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $158 x 12 months
$1,900 or $158 x 12 months
20 x 18" •  oil on canvas
or $273 x 12 months
$3,280 or $273 x 12 months
50 x 22" •  oil on canvas
or $583 x 12 months
$7,000 or $583 x 12 months
52 x 52" •  oil on canvas
or $350 x 12 months
$4,201 or $350 x 12 months
50 x 22" •  oil on canvas
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
20 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $583 x 12 months
$7,000 or $583 x 12 months
48 x 55" •  oil on canvas
or $467 x 12 months
$5,600 or $467 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,501 or $125 x 12 months
16 x 17" •  oil on canvas
or $133 x 12 months
$1,600 or $133 x 12 months
20 x 20" •  oil on canvas
or $233 x 12 months
$2,800 or $233 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $333 x 12 months
$4,000 or $333 x 12 months
25 x 45" •  oil on wood panel
or $217 x 12 months
$2,600 or $217 x 12 months
24 x 30" •  oil on canvas
or $158 x 12 months
$1,900 or $158 x 12 months
18 x 20" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
11 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $38 x 12 months
$459 or $38 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $87 x 12 months
$1,050 or $87 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $150 x 12 months
$1,801 or $150 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
11 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $625 x 12 months
$7,500 or $625 x 12 months
48 x 48" •  oil on canvas
or $433 x 12 months
$5,200 or $433 x 12 months
36 x 42" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $550 x 12 months
$6,601 or $550 x 12 months
50 x 50" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $200 x 12 months
$2,400 or $200 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $550 x 12 months
$6,600 or $550 x 12 months
40 x 40" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,501 or $125 x 12 months
13 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,501 or $125 x 12 months
13 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $242 x 12 months
$2,900 or $242 x 12 months
21 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $175 x 12 months
$2,100 or $175 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  oil on canvas
or $63 x 12 months
$750 or $63 x 12 months
10 x 10" •  oil on canvas
or $175 x 12 months
$2,100 or $175 x 12 months
18 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $417 x 12 months
$5,000 or $417 x 12 months
30 x 40" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $350 x 12 months
$4,200 or $350 x 12 months
47 x 22" •  oil on linen
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
15 x 15" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
21 x 13" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
13 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
11 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
15 x 15" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on linen
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
15 x 6" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $542 x 12 months
$6,500 or $542 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
14 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on linen
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on linen
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
10 x 14" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
14 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $150 x 12 months
$1,800 or $150 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  oil on canvas
or $150 x 12 months
$1,800 or $150 x 12 months
16 x 20" •  oil on canvas
Back Soon!
or $550 x 12 months
$6,600 or $550 x 12 months
40 x 46" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $63 x 12 months
$750 or $63 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
11 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $42 x 12 months
$500 or $42 x 12 months
5 x 9" •  oil on canvas
or $267 x 12 months
$3,200 or $267 x 12 months
24 x 30" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
13 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas
or $92 x 12 months
$1,100 or $92 x 12 months
12 x 16" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
24 x 30" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
14 x 21" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $58 x 12 months
$700 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 11" •  oil on canvas
or $83 x 12 months
$1,000 or $83 x 12 months
13 x 13" •  oil on canvas

More from Robert

or $200 x 12 months
$2,400 or $200 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil on canvas
or $250 x 12 months
$3,000 or $250 x 12 months
22 x 28" •  oil on canvas

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