Elena Chestnykh

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Born 1975
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY
Elena Chestnykh was born in Novosibirsk, Russia and currently, lives and works in New York. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally including at the Museum of Contemporary Art Erarta (MCAE) in Saint-Petersburg, the Art Center WINZAVOD, in Moscow, the State Museum of Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Kemerovo in Russia, and Nord Art 2010, Rendsburg, Germany. In 2013,Urban Reflections travelled to MCRAE's Erarta Gallery in NYC and became Chestnykh’s first solo exhibition in the United States. Also, Chestnykh presented her work in New York at R&Dstudio BUSHWOOD, SFAprojects Gallery, IIAF group exhibition at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, and in a selected group exhibition at the School of Visual Art Gallery in Chelsea, NYC. In 2011, she created a multimedia installation “City. Meeting Place”, exhibited at the Museum of Local History, Novosibirsk. The project investigated the problems of dwellers’ alienation and interaction within the modern urban cultural structures. “City. Meeting Place” was based on the documentary research included photographing and interviewing Novosibirsk residents and resulted in a multimedia installation. In 2015, Chestnykh wrote a series of interviews with American artists including Petah Coyne, David Chung and Mark Tribe about New York art scene and higher art education in America for MCAE’s blog and various Russian magazines. She presented an artist talk and contributed an article for the International Conference “Art in Modern Education” (2015), Novosibirsk on the state of the New York art scene and opportunities for foreigner artists. Chestnykh is currently developing a curatorial practice to create a community of artists whose work focuses on the bodily experience. “Breach”, exhibited at the Rabbit Hole Gallery in Brooklyn was her first curated exhibition. Her work is held within the collections of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Fine Art and Kemerovo Regional State Art Museum in Russia.
Elena Chestnykh was born in Novosibirsk, Russia and currently, lives and works in New York. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally including at the Museum of Contemporary Art Erarta (MCAE) in Saint-Petersburg, the Art Center WINZAVOD, in Moscow, the State Museum of Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Kemerovo in Russia, and Nord Art 2010, Rendsburg, Germany. In 2013, Urban Reflections travelled to MCRAE's Erarta Gallery in NYC and became Chestnykh’s first solo exhibition in the United States. Also, Chestnykh presented her work in New York at R&Dstudio BUSHWOOD, SFAprojects Gallery, IIAF group exhibition at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, and in a selected group exhibition at the School of Visual Art Gallery in Chelsea, NYC. In 2011, she created a multimedia installation “City. Meeting Place”, exhibited at the Museum of Local History, Novosibirsk. The project investigated the problems of dwellers’ alienation and interaction within the modern urban cultural structures. “City. Meeting Place” was based on the documentary research included photographing and interviewing Novosibirsk residents and resulted in a multimedia installation. In 2015, Chestnykh wrote a series of interviews with American artists including Petah Coyne, David Chung and Mark Tribe about New York art scene and higher art education in America for MCAE’s blog and various Russian magazines. She presented an artist talk and contributed an article for the International Conference “Art in Modern Education” (2015), Novosibirsk on the state of the New York art scene and opportunities for foreigner artists. Chestnykh is currently developing a curatorial practice to create a community of artists whose work focuses on the bodily experience. “Breach”, exhibited at the Rabbit Hole Gallery in Brooklyn was her first curated exhibition. Her work is held within the collections of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Fine Art and Kemerovo Regional State Art Museum in Russia.

Flesh & Bone / Oil paintings

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Flesh & Bone / Oil paintings by Elena Chestnykh

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or $225 x 12 months
$2,700 or $225 x 12 months
60 x 56" •  oil on painting
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or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
50 x 60" •  oil on canvas
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or $217 x 12 months
$2,600 or $217 x 12 months
60 x 40" •  oil on canvas
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or $221 x 12 months
$2,650 or $221 x 12 months
40 x 54" •  oil on canvas
or $67 x 12 months
$800 or $67 x 12 months
54 x 40" •  oil on canvas
or $44 x 6 months
$262 or $44 x 6 months
30 x 19" •  oil on canvas
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
36 x 42" •  oil on painting
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
41 x 31" •  oil on painting
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
40 x 31" •  oil on canvas
or $167 x 12 months
$2,000 or $167 x 12 months
40 x 30" •  oil on canvas

Flowers / Oil & Watercolors

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Flowers / Oil & Watercolors by Elena Chestnykh

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or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
11 x 7" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
11 x 7" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
11 x 7" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
35 x 60" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
35 x 60" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $33 x 12 months
$394 or $33 x 12 months
22 x 30" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$530 or $44 x 12 months
28 x 21" •  0il on archival paper
or $66 x 12 months
$787 or $66 x 12 months
28 x 32" •  Oil on canvas
or $40 x 12 months
$480 or $40 x 12 months
20 x 16" •  0il on archival paper
or $40 x 12 months
$480 or $40 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  0il on archival paper

Landscapes / Oil paintings

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Landscapes / Oil paintings by Elena Chestnykh

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or $150 x 12 months
$1,800 or $150 x 12 months
60 x 36" •  oil on canvas
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
60 x 36" •  oil on canvas
or $66 x 12 months
$787 or $66 x 12 months
28 x 32" •  Oil on canvas
or $55 x 12 months
$656 or $55 x 12 months
42 x 26" •  Oil on canvas
or $77 x 12 months
$918 or $77 x 12 months
42 x 36" •  Oil on canvas
or $66 x 12 months
$787 or $66 x 12 months
48 x 40" •  Oil on canvas

New York Landscapes / Oil paintings

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New York Landscapes / Oil paintings by Elena Chestnykh

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or $33 x 12 months
$399 or $33 x 12 months
16 x 12" •  oil on wood panel
or $42 x 12 months
$499 or $42 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  0il on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $33 x 12 months
$399 or $33 x 12 months
16 x 12" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $32 x 12 months
$385 or $32 x 12 months
14 x 11" •  0il on archival paper
or $33 x 12 months
$399 or $33 x 12 months
14 x 11" •  0il on wood panel
or $42 x 12 months
$499 or $42 x 12 months
18 x 24" •  0il on archival paper
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  oil on wood panel
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  watercolor and ink on paper

Nude/ Watercolors

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Nude/ Watercolors by Elena Chestnykh

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or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
18 x 12" •  watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
12 x 18" •  watercolor on paper
or $44 x 3 months
$131 or $44 x 3 months
18 x 12" •  watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
18 x 12" •  watercolor on paper
or $38 x 12 months
$459 or $38 x 12 months
19 x 19" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $38 x 12 months
$459 or $38 x 12 months
33 x 34" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$330 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 9" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $33 x 12 months
$394 or $33 x 12 months
12 x 9" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 6 months
$262 or $44 x 6 months
14 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $55 x 12 months
$656 or $55 x 12 months
7 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
9 x 12" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
7 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
7 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
7 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
8 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
11 x 8" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 3 months
$131 or $44 x 3 months
8 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 6 months
$197 or $33 x 6 months
11 x 7" •  Watercolor on paper
or $38 x 12 months
$459 or $38 x 12 months
11 x 7" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 3 months
$131 or $44 x 3 months
8 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $33 x 12 months
$394 or $33 x 12 months
12 x 9" •  Watercolor on paper
or $38 x 12 months
$459 or $38 x 12 months
8 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 3 months
$131 or $44 x 3 months
9 x 12" •  Watercolor on paper
14 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
14 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
14 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
14 x 11" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 6 months
$262 or $44 x 6 months
9 x 12" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  Watercolor on paper
or $49 x 12 months
$590 or $49 x 12 months
24 x 18" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 3 months
$131 or $44 x 3 months
11 x 8" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 3 months
$131 or $44 x 3 months
11 x 8" •  Watercolor on paper
or $44 x 6 months
$265 or $44 x 6 months
12 x 18" •  watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 18" •  watercolor on paper
or $125 x 12 months
$1,500 or $125 x 12 months
27 x 30" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $49 x 12 months
$590 or $49 x 12 months
30 x 40" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $49 x 12 months
$590 or $49 x 12 months
48 x 35" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $44 x 6 months
$262 or $44 x 6 months
12 x 18" •  watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
12 x 18" •  watercolor on paper
or $33 x 12 months
$394 or $33 x 12 months
12 x 18" •  watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
23 x 16" •  watercolor on paper
or $33 x 12 months
$395 or $33 x 12 months
22 x 30" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
22 x 30" •  watercolor on paper
or $33 x 12 months
$394 or $33 x 12 months
22 x 30" •  watercolor on paper
or $55 x 6 months
$328 or $55 x 6 months
22 x 30" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $77 x 12 months
$918 or $77 x 12 months
34 x 60" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $77 x 12 months
$918 or $77 x 12 months
40 x 30" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $55 x 12 months
$656 or $55 x 12 months
48 x 35" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $82 x 12 months
$984 or $82 x 12 months
39 x 47" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
33 x 60" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
29 x 47" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $82 x 12 months
$984 or $82 x 12 months
39 x 60" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $49 x 12 months
$590 or $49 x 12 months
47 x 29" •  watercolor and ink on paper
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
30 x 39" •  watercolor and ink on paper

More from Elena

or $325 x 12 months
$3,900 or $325 x 12 months
46 x 58" •  oil on canvas

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