Igor Sokol

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Born 1986
Lives and works in Ridgewood, New York
Focused mainly on oil painting, in his home studio in Ridgewood, artist actively experiments with different media and investigates 'other' methods of expressing himself. While in the midst of achieving his degree in Fine Arts & Graphic Design, Igor worked as Graphic Designer for several companies in his home town. However,reiterating the same patterns and color blocks was not satisfying his mission for creative exploration. Once he moved to New York City at 21 years old, he found this priority fulfilled by pursuing painting. Sokol creates art in the way he lives life – clarifying the everyday and considering deeper expressions of unchallenged commonalities. The concept of knowledge is just that, a concept, and holds more possibility than fact. Igor distills all things to their essential point, that which matters most. He envisions the form and its colors, then arranges the compositions in his own abstracted perception of concepts, ideas, and human experience. Igor investigates the many routes and methods of arriving at his focus: simplicity and dimension. When painting, Igor enters the realm of exploration where ideas find revelation in the infinite depths of potential reality. Each painting shares a frame of insight into the unknown where reality shares itself as question, not answer
Focused mainly on oil painting, in his home studio in Ridgewood, artist actively experiments with different media and investigates 'other' methods of expressing himself. While in the midst of achieving his degree in Fine Arts & Graphic Design, Igor worked as Graphic Designer for several companies in his home town. However, reiterating the same patterns and color blocks was not satisfying his mission for creative exploration. Once he moved to New York City at 21 years old, he found this priority fulfilled by pursuing painting. Sokol creates art in the way he lives life – clarifying the everyday and considering deeper expressions of unchallenged commonalities. The concept of knowledge is just that, a concept, and holds more possibility than fact. Igor distills all things to their essential point, that which matters most. He envisions the form and its colors, then arranges the compositions in his own abstracted perception of concepts, ideas, and human experience. Igor investigates the many routes and methods of arriving at his focus: simplicity and dimension. When painting, Igor enters the realm of exploration where ideas find revelation in the infinite depths of potential reality. Each painting shares a frame of insight into the unknown where reality shares itself as question, not answer

Igor's Work

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or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil and oil pastel on paper
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or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  pastel, oil pastel and charcoal on paper
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or $93 x 12 months
$1,115 or $93 x 12 months
22 x 19" •  Oil stick on canvas
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or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil, oil pastel and charcoal on paper
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or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  pastel and charcoal on paper
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or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  pastel, charcoal, graphite and silver pencil on paper
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or $58 x 12 months
$695 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 12" •  oil pastel, pencil on paper
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or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  oil on paper
or $115 x 12 months
$1,375 or $115 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil, oil pastel, graphite on wood panel
or $58 x 12 months
$695 or $58 x 12 months
12 x 9" •  oil pastel, pencil on paper
or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  oil, pastel dust and chunks of pastel on paper
or $138 x 12 months
$1,650 or $138 x 12 months
40 x 60" •  oil on canvas
or $93 x 12 months
$1,115 or $93 x 12 months
22 x 19" •  oil on canvas
or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  pastel and oil pastel on paper
or $58 x 12 months
$695 or $58 x 12 months
12 x 9" •  oil pastel, pencil on paper
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
18 x 18" •  Oil stick and gesso on wood
or $58 x 12 months
$695 or $58 x 12 months
9 x 12" •  oil pastel, pencil on paper
or $71 x 12 months
$853 or $71 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil, pastel and oil pastel on paper
or $66 x 12 months
$787 or $66 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil, pastel and oil pastel on paper
or $58 x 12 months
$695 or $58 x 12 months
12 x 9" •  oil pastel, pencil on paper
or $109 x 12 months
$1,312 or $109 x 12 months
12 x 12" •  Oil, gesso and wire on wood
or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil, pastel and oil pastel on paper
or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  pastels on collaged paper
or $106 x 12 months
$1,275 or $106 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  oil on wood panel
or $127 x 12 months
$1,525 or $127 x 12 months
46 x 40" •  oil on canvas
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
24 x 24" •  Oil on canvas
or $71 x 12 months
$853 or $71 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  Oil, pastel and oil pastel on paper
or $108 x 12 months
$1,297 or $108 x 12 months
40 x 32" •  oil on canvas
or $108 x 12 months
$1,300 or $108 x 12 months
26 x 36" •  pastel ground, acrylic, pastel on paper
or $71 x 12 months
$853 or $71 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  oil pastel and charcoal on paper
or $58 x 12 months
$695 or $58 x 12 months
12 x 9" •  oil pastel, pencil on paper
or $71 x 12 months
$853 or $71 x 12 months
26 x 20" •  oil on paper
or $163 x 12 months
$1,950 or $163 x 12 months
48 x 60" •  Oil on canvas
or $44 x 12 months
$525 or $44 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil, pastel and charcoal on paper
or $216 x 12 months
$2,595 or $216 x 12 months
36 x 36" •  Oil on canvas
or $71 x 12 months
$853 or $71 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil pastel, pastel and pencil on paper
or $73 x 12 months
$870 or $73 x 12 months
20 x 26" •  oil and oil pastel on paper

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