Abstract Art
Abstract Art by Lynne Taetzsch
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Art that is expressive through color, line, and composition rather than through representation of the natural world
Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism by Lynne Taetzsch
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In this group of paintings, my primary technique was intuitive and gestural. Each approach to the painting was inspired by what was in front of my eyes. I painted loosely and freely, then stopped to look and study before proceeding.
Modern Art
Modern Art by Lynne Taetzsch
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What is modern art? I don't have a definitive answer for you, but perhaps you'll agree that this group of paintings belongs here.
Nature/Landscape by Lynne Taetzsch
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Abstract landscapes and other paintings inspired by nature
Patterns & Motifs
Patterns & Motifs by Lynne Taetzsch
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These paintings utilize a repeating pattern or motif to create an overall impact