Jun 19th, 2021 • 2 minute read
Juan Hinojosa & the critique of American capitalism
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At the end of this summer, our 2nd feature in the Art in Res PRIDE series, Juan Hinojosa, will have rounded out two years with Art in Res! His works, complex and stunning collages on paper made of found objects, offer a scathing critique of "greed, obsessive consumption, and the social stratification of American culture."
Has being a part of the LGBTQ+ community influenced your work as an artist?
Of course! Lucky for me the LGBTQ+ community surrounds everyone here in NY. It is such a part of the city's landscape it would be impossible to pinpoint how exactly.
Look back at our history as often as you can, and always fight back.
Do you remember the first time you felt like you had finally found ‘your people’?
Yes, and it felt like such a relief. It came during a dark period of my life but I can remember my smile stretched across my face like it was yesterday. It is a feeling like no other and I would not trade that feeling for anything in the world.
What is a piece of advice you would give to young/teen LGBTQ+ artists as they make their way into the industry or the world in general?
Keep your heads up. These are some strange times we live in but change does not come easy. Look back at our history as often as you can and when needed: resist, revolt, and always fight back.