May 25th, 2021 • 2 minute read
Behind the Scenes with Caroline Burdett
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Today, we’re re-entering the studio of Art in Res artist Caroline Burdett, who has been hard at work during the pandemic. Caroline produced large, striking bodies of work during the COVID-19 crisis––including over 70 paintings in her Quarantine series––that we are excited to share with all of you.

At the beginning of May, Caroline moved to the Catskills and started working out of her studio in Woodstock, where she is currently an artist in residence at Byrdcliffe. There, she has been preparing for her next series, inspired by quantum theory, mystery and phenomena, and biology.
“I'm not sure if many people know that my graduate studies released me into the world as a trained psychotherapist, and I'm still terribly interested in neuroscience, psychology, alternative healing, spiritual healing, and the like. I'm starting to explore how I can blend that passion with my drive to create art, and I suppose that's what I'm endeavoring to do here with this new series.”
In the pile of books and references on her desk, we can see the famous 1964 book, LSD: The Consciousness-expanding drug, edited by David Solomon and featuring an introduction by Timothy Leary. Caroline’s grandfather, Bob Burdett, was thanked in the acknowledgements section for his wisdom and contributions.

“I'm fascinated to continue my grandfather's legacy in exploring ideas related to consciousness expansion, as well as the general meaning of everything!”
This next series marks a pivot for Caroline, as she turns towards simplifying and paring down her work. “I’m experimenting with clear gesso on raw canvas to include that natural color and texture,” she says about the primed canvas sitting on the big table in the middle of her Woodstock studio.

Not only has Caroline’s work started to trend towards simplicity, but so has her studio space. Tucked in one of the corners on the room is a vertical plaid patterned couch Caroline hid away. “It was taking up too much room, probably full of spiders, and really in the way. So I just have my chair and that works for me.”
Caroline is constantly updating her Art in Res page with new work. Her newest addition is Friends, which she added yesterday! You can find even more of Caroline's work on Instagram and on her website.